Sunday, January 26, 2014

Levitation, Acoustic: Three-Dimensional Mid-Air Manipulation

Wow...  Just one of the neat things you can do with great acoustic control!


Just think about how much you can do when you learn to use Digital Signal Processing well. 

You can create this amount of control over sound and music.

That can help you make very precise music that communicates and express exactly what you like from moment to moment. 

Christopher Walken once mentioned that he would rather have the ability to express himself through having a tail than to be able to fly!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Olli Niemilato's Introduction to DSP

Back in the day, the music-dsp list was a hotspot of people designing and implementing their own DSP algorithms for musical purposes. 

Olli Niemilato was one of its leaders.  He shared knowledge with a sense of humor. 

I was delighted to discover his introduction to DSP algorithms in snappy, fun-to-read form.


Additional guides to help you learn DSP from

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Exhibition of Gijs Gieskes' Music Instruments

A friend introduced Gijs to me many years ago.  We've stayed in touch as much as possible, considering he lives all the way over on the other side of the ocean in Holland!


He recently had an exhibition of some of his vast instrument library.

His elegant, yet slightly jagged approach always impresses me.

His adoration of the connection between the sounds of physical and electrical media tickles my fancy!

What physical objects would you go out of your way to incorporate into electronic instruments?

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Subwoofer Build From Scratch by Svinec

Svinec builds a large subwoofer from scratch, including coils, spider,  foam, everything!  It's nicely documented and has a great sound track of "Bass Music"!  Pump it up!


This is a really nice video.  It is well worth the 10 minutes.

Get comfortable with a friend, watch the construction and enjoy the details!  

Do you think you could pull this off yourself?